salam sejahtera
peace upon you
this might be my last entry for 2011
what a lazy person i am =.=”
guess what, i want to ask all of you, my dearest readers
what is your opinion in greeting others ‘merry x’mas’?
i knew that we’re muslims and i we are not suppose to greet them
( ada exclamatory mark kat sini )
i can’t see the point why lots and lots of muslims keep attacking
commenting that
it’s a sin
if you ever think of your friends feeling, you won't do that
agak terserlah kekurangan kefahaman anda di situ
jangan terlalu cepat jatuhkan hukum
i have a lot of christian friends
they are upset by this kind of issue
and of all days, do you need to tell others that it’s a sin on
for me, i made a research on this issue
some says it’s ok as long kita tak redha dengan sambutan tu
and our greets just for the mean of friendship
some says bila kita wish, it’s mean kita mengakui ketuhanan christ
for us Isa ibn Maryam a.s is our prophet, not the god like the
christians believe
for me that still lack of knowledge
( doakanlah akan bertambah kefahaman saya )
we don’t have to show we hate it, simply don’t wish it
tak susah pun kan?
you can say happy new year or year is just around the
corner isn’t it?
and the fact that it’s Isa al-Masih's birthday can be denied…
it's an
important date for us, muslim too
open your mind, come on la
what would you feel if people said
jangan ucap selamat hari raya
mad isn’t it?
we live in multicultural country
multi-religions not to mention
please, care for others…life is not about us only
jangan bercakap je lebat tapi buatnya tak
keep saying this is haram that is haram
tapi bila benda buat depan mata buat tak nampak
benda yang syubhah nak dibesar-besarkan, perkara yang terang nyata
change your mindsets!
quick, asap
show the true values of islam, practice the sunnah
not only other muslims will respect you
you may attract non-muslims to approach islam
we need to learn about others
in order for others to respect us
life is not just about you
p/s : geram!
i hate it when people keep saying im defending my christian friends
hey, please..use your brain.
Rasulullah saw pun respect other religions k