Tuesday, November 29, 2011

tribute to my friends . bila dah bosan gak...

salam sejahtera
peace upon you

in trouble

i wish i didn’t do what i had done to you
we are friends
   FRIENDSHIP never sink   
we just need to distance ourselves
i think so…
stop bothering me with your sweet words, i won’t accept them

my close friends start suggesting weird things to me
choose this, do that, learn how to get this, that is the one
tall, cute, handsome bla bla bla
actually, im not interested in such things..yet
because of my self-concious hormone higher than anybody else
i afraid that i have to admit
 im a very sensitive person
quite good at misinterpreting things
don’t try to tease me
the one that may regret later might be someone that is absolutely not me
  so i hope, we just follow the flow
if i wish to stop so that’s it

i hardly believe in people
though im a honest person ~ i keep things by myself
if im telling you something about myself
i think you are worth to be a close friend of mine
don’t cross the border too much k…

i am a lucky person
i got many friends
i got many counsellors and psychiatrists to consult
 thank you
sorry if your advice are not considered
i guess i just realise one or two things for now
i knew what i should do
wish me luck babes!

we always got excited over unnecessary things 
thanx for brighten my life make it wonderful and colorful

its true
we should choose people to befriend carefully
because  they will affect you or vice versa
   never ignore your friends   
kalau dah tahu dorang tu senget
help them
siratul mustaqim bukan hanya untuk anda
orang yang perasan dirinya berada di landasan yang betul
takkan tinggal kawan
    nak jadi baik tak boleh sorang-sorang

i miss my campus!!!
wuuwuuu..i miss doing my assignments
chitchatting whole time with them
instead of cooking, washing dishes, sewing
berebut remote control tv, bolster
nak mandi hujan da tak hujan =.=”

as for you
my best friend…for now
and forever, i hope
meh la derak umoh ak lagi deh J
don’t forget
eat less, exercise more
stop kembangkan diri anda neh
next time we will go to munduk ye, shopping together-gether
nice to know you and of course your mom too
kena ayat mak, baru dapat lesen dok?

p/s : i guess people never feel satisfied.
when im in maktab i miss home
when im home i miss maktab =.=”


  1. i give you two thumbs up for this entry=).....rindu;(

  2. when im in maktab i miss home
    when im home i miss maktab-- NORMAL... hahha

  3. oh.. aku lupe.. cuti sekolah.. aku still kau u.. 3 more weeks to final - -'


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